About us Austria is responsible for the safe disposal of radioactive waste.

The Austrians decided against the use of nuclear energy in 1978 . This has also been enshrined in the constitution since 1999. As a result, no high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel elements from nuclear power plants are produced in Austria. Nevertheless, low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste is produced when radioactive materials are used in medicine, industry and research. Radioactive waste is also produced when (research) facilities that are no longer needed are dismantled (decommissioning). Austria's only research reactor is operated at the TRIGA Center Atominstitut of the Vienna University of Technology. After their use, the fuel elements of the research reactor are returned to the supplier, the US Department of Energy, in accordance with legal obligations and a take-back agreement.

The film explains the reasons for the presence of radioactive waste in Austria and its origin (only available in german).

Austria has prepared a National Programme for Radioactive Waste Management (NEP) in order to address the final disposal of radioactive waste. For the implementation of this programme the Austrian federal government established the  Austrian  Board for Radioactive Waste Management. Its aim is to develope a framework for  decision-making  and compile recommendations for the safe disposal of Austria's radioactive waste. The coordination of the Austrian Board for Radioactive Waste Management is carried out by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

The Austrian Board for Radioactive Waste Mangement is comprised of scientists, NGOs, representatives of the Federal and State level authorities as well as members of the gernal public. The council holds two to three meetings every year. The composition and operation of the Austrian Board for Radioactive Waste Managemen are laid down in its rules of procedure . Its tasks are listed in a mandate from the Austrian federal government.

"The establishment of the Austrian Board for Radioactive Waste Management is an important step in a process  towards finding the optimal solution for the management of Austria's radioactive waste." Leonore Gewessler, Minister of Climate Action

The Austrian Board for Radioactive Waste Management  is supported by a dedicated Secretariat at the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Savety (AGES).